Firoze Hirjikaka
1 min readApr 10, 2023


I wrote this poem several years ago, but serendipitously, it seems relevant to today’s Republican party — and especially the MAGA crowd.



Raucous and ranting

Angry and panting

Where is thy sting?

You come with a roar

Violent and raving

Never behaving

Arrogant and vain

Thrashing and flailing

You wound without thinking

Fixate without blinking

Inflicting pain

You destroy without mercy

Brimstone and fire

What is your desire?

What is it you gain?

Fool that you are

You believe your passion

Is always in fashion

Quiver and quail

Words hurled in anger

You can never retrieve

Or do you believe

They can be atoned?

At the end of it all

What do you achieve?

Temporary reprieve?

A moment of gloating?

You will never prevail

A word said in kindness

Will dispel your blindness

All that fury in vain

Control your demons

For they will devour

Leave you without power

You are no match for love



Firoze Hirjikaka

Cathedral and John Connon school, MSc(Engg) in Structural Enginering from Queen Mary College, London University, Tata Consulting Engineers 1973-2004